Setup a Good Company System


Receipt Forwarding Integration2-5hrs a week$150 - $375
TOTAL SAVING TO FEATURE$150.00 - $375.00

Hours Calculated @ $75/hr


Good Company Attributes:

  1. Good account management system.
  2. Strong Project Management system.
  3. Knowledge how to build and skilled team.
  4. Habits and processes. The above attributes all assist in a profitable Residential Construction Company. Every building company should be evolving to create a better business. Every project should have profits and it’s about how you can maximise this.

We are more than just a construction software. We want you to have a company system that works!! We have spent years testing and fine tuning what we believe is a system that is unique to residential builders.

Why just residential builders?

  • Residential builders can vary from operating 3-50 people within the organisation.  This may mean that particular roles are shared between the company. That is a project manager is also the contract administrator or the site foreman is the project manager and contract administrator.
  • It’s also likely that the owner is managing payments and accounts.
  • Residential builders for this reason take on many roles and can become easily bogged down and be a block in the efficiency funnel.  
  • What is needed are systems that talk together and share data, saving time.  
  • Systems that can fast track manual processes. 
  • Systems that can take information and can be used in a number of ways.
  • Systems that make sense, simple and create a common habit to enable an underlying process within the company.

The Core of this residential construction management software is built into 3 integrations.

  • Getting the information from the people to the software -> Receipt forwarding
  • Accounts with Tax and Payroll Management -> Xero
  • Project Management and Job processes ->PX360

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