Gantt Integration throughout PX360 | 2hrs a week | $150 |
How PX360 uses Gantts to give you more
Time frames of a project are always best displayed as a Gantt chart schedule in construction. It enables easy understanding of tasks and their effects on time and workflow. PX360 takes the use of a simple Gantt Chart as a means of not only understanding task time but also enabling cost tracking to be simply understood through our construction project scheduling software.
Why do we use the Gantt chart as our cost tracking tool? The reason is that builders think about daily tasks including instructions for staff, material orders, contractor and supplier coordination. Generally, thinking about task budgets when lead times come due is no different from thinking about what the budget is before commencing, as well as checking during the task. It provides the ability to make the right decision faster.
Integrated with Cost management
Variation management has a change affecting the progress of a project, as well as time and costs. If a task scope exists, for example, stone benchtops to joinery and the clients decide to change for a more expensive stone supply selection, the task itself is unchanged. However, there is a change in price. PX360 gives you the ability to track variation to existing tasks, keeping the original budget costs separate from the approved variation costs and giving the ability to track spending in all variations.

Integrated with Variations
Not only does PX360 tracks existing variation but also completely new works added to the project. For example, landscaping works. This can be created as a ‘New Task’, meaning once the variation is approved, a new Task will be added to the Gantt chart in its time position and the variation cost added for tracking spends to that variation.

EOT Integrated (Coming soon)
COMING SOON. When the extensions of time (EOT) are approved for a project, these dates will be created within the Gantt chart for tracking of days and affect the original Gantt chart.