Why PX360 is the best tracking project management software available?
- Xero and PX360 are always talking to each other, enabling changes and constant updating to be made.
- Our ability to track labour costs simply. No cost codes required.
- Order Management that gives you the ability to manage Withhold and Retention amounts.
- Project costs are matched to your budget. This can be as simple or as detailed as you need.
- Through the processes of approving labour times and matching project costs your budget remains up to date and ready to report

Live tracking and analysis
Tracking project costs to your budget has always been done in someone’s head or through a software that does not work to how residential builders run their businesses. The outcome is that projects run for months without any understanding of what live profits are being made.
Did you know that if you have a construction project cost tracking software with a better ability to track costs and quickly understand what costs are remaining, that cash flow forecasting is made easy? This enables more projects to be run, increasing revenue turnover.
Reporting is always seen as a time-consuming process. PX360 takes the time out of staring at spread sheets and makes a quick and simple task through its Orders Section and Planning Tab. You will never see a spreadsheet in PX360. Instead, you view budgets in our Gantt Chart, giving you quick and easy viewing you understand. Our 1-click reports are designed to give you the project information you need for your business or client, giving you the power through a few clicks to get what you need.

Split Bill
Not every bill you receive will be for one project; it could be for multiple projects. Hardware purchases are a good example of this. PX360 gives you the ability to split costs to different cost centres and different tasks which allows you to have accurate budget tracking.
Work Order Management
Our Work Order Management Section has been designed to remove the need to have cost codes. Work Orders are for trades and suppliers that you need to track separately from the overall project budget. Giving you the ability to track approved amounts, remaining spends and any withholding amounts being defects, general holds, or retention. We don’t over complicate it. Simple, quick and easy to view.