Residential software so you can get back to doing what you do… build

Designed for builders who are time poor, needing a simple and easy to use online system for Residential Construction organisations, to manage projects and build profits.

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See how PX360 can help you?

We simplify project management and
build your processes

Manage your build contracts and add so much more value to every project:

Build a company system

Automate and save time

Processes that are familiar to you

Double enter data - never again

Match your Xero Costs to your Project Budget for live accurate Project Budget Tracking

Having a company system that can get “two birds with one stone” is important in its ability and in saving time!  If we can also have this system talking between other systems, then we have even more benefit! PX360 and Xero have these functions sorted for you.  Don’t worry, its setup and ready to use.  Xero is important .... tracking all dollars coming in and out of a business and this is no different for a Project.  You need to have the understanding to know if you are on budget or not.  Giving you the power to make changes early.  PX360 gives you the ability to track to your individual project costs, giving you the power to track your project spends direct to your contract budget.

Labour Time Sheeting, Xero Payroll Export and live tracking straight to your Project Budget

Labour time sheeting for project cost tracking has not been done well… Until now.  PX360 has created a system that makes it so easy for your site staff to add site hours direct from their phones.  Management staff can then approve all project and task labour costs, applying costs direct to your project budget.  That easy!  Now you have your labour tracking to your contract budget complete.

PX360 gives you the added benefit using the Xero integration.  Using the PX360 timesheets and export for Xero Payroll.  Saving accounts hours in manual entry and automatic employee hours ready for pay slips.

Track your Job Costs through your Gantt Chart. Easy to understand and view

To be honest there is nothing harder than reading spreadsheets.  It becomes hard to understand and often ends up being a slow painful task.  PX360 uses the builders Gantt schedule to track traditional project time progress overlaid with the project budget tracking results.  Realise issues faster and make decisions sooner.  Creating greater profits. 


Customers' Reviews

We have been using Px360 for around 12 months now and have found it to be a great investment. For us keeping track of all the variations and extensions of time as we go has been fantastic. The function of giving the owner and Architect a variation and EOT status report of what they have approved and awaiting approval has been very useful.
I have found it to be really user friendly and the PX360 team are very quick to come back and help with any questions we require. Highly recommended.

Cy Construction Yard

Working with PX360 and its linked functionality to Xero has really worked well for us.  We have reduced our admin/payroll staff costs from 3 days to 1 day a week.   The processes that PX360 has for projects management gives me better project tracking and visibility through a better system.  The ability to be able to track in a high level of detail provides me what i need to manage the project, whist still having the ability to provide quick summary reports and claims for my client to understand is working great. We have quicker processes and faster approvals.

Kaleb Jackal Constructions

We have been using PX360 on a difficult $6m Cost Plus contract.  The need of clear communications as well as accurate budget tracking is a priority in working with the Architect and the client.  Using PX360 has enabled us to remain in front with the required signed off and tracking of contract admin, as well as working directly with the project budget.  The use of the cost-plus progress claims, as well as the labour tracking to tasks has really worked well for this project. We save a lot of time with reduced double entry of information allowing for reduced staffing costs in our company overheads.

Andrew HiSpec Constructions

Working heavily in alterations and additions we see a lot of variations and provisional sum adjustments. The use of the contract admin section, through the site diary we learnt quickly and now provide professional templates and cost adjustments regularly. Once the variations are approved, we can always see our original budget and the new approved budget to track separately from the contract scope. Having the status reports for variation and EOT, makes for quick advice to our clients on what has been approved, with the cost and any awaiting approval. This means that the clients have better ability to manage their own budget with additional contract spend always provided. The clients like the clarity we provide, making for faster approvals and quicker progress on the projects.

Till Econstruction

A common issue that we always find with project management software is that it is never in sync with bookkeeping software. PX360 has done a great job of solving this problem. With it's 2-way integration, we don't have to worry about this anymore. The team at PX360 have really taken the time to build a solution that works for both builders and bookkeepers making everyone's work more efficient and reducing double handling

Tawanda (Chartered Accountant) Trendsight

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